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Objectives-based onboarding is a period of time dedicated to identifying your business's immediate goals, building projects to address those goals, and working with a combination of resources to complete those goals.

This approach helps you gain familiarity with HubSpot software, grow your knowledge of best practices, and meet your immediate goals.

Onboarding activities are divided into two categories: Hub setups, and Goals. It's objective based onboarding (OBO). Hub setups are pre-set tasks defined and required by HubSpot. Goals are defined by your business needs. Together, we'll design an onboarding plan for you based on:

  • Your highest priority goals with HubSpot
  • The size & complexity of your organization
  • The HubSpot subscriptions you purchased
  • Your current technology stack, and how it integrates with HubSpot

When you complete your onboarding, you’ll be confident using HubSpot to reach your goals.


Why should I select Kayak instead of HubSpot for onboarding services? We avoid the Danger Zone. By maintaining your point of contact throughout the process, we avoid the risk of miscommunication, overlooked information, and what success looks like.

Ready to Start

25 Pre-Defined Objectives-Based Onboarding Projects

Projects cover Sales, Marketing, CMS, and Service Hubs. Need something else? No problem. We can design a tailored OBO project for you.

OBO projects may be collaborative, incorporating tasks, training, and implementation by both of our teams. For best results, we recommend taking on a maximum of three Projects per Hub at a time.


Sales Hub Onboarding

Manage Your Deals with HubSpot Sales Hub

Setting up the Sales Hub is your priority. Manage your transition into HubSpot by selecting up to three Sales Onboarding Goals based on your business priorities.

View Sales Projects list.

Marketing Hub Onboarding

Manage Campaigns with HubSpot Marketing Hub

Addressing marketing goals next offers you an opportunity to improve the results of your marketing efforts. Select up to three Marketing onboarding Goals and begin seeing improvements quickly.

View Marketing Projects list.

Service Hub Onboarding

Manage Your Customers with HubSpot Service Hub

Support and re-convert existing customers through planned customer service activities. Let's get HubSpot's Service Hub toolset set up and launch your customer success effort.

View Service Projects list.

CMS Hub Onboarding

Manage Your Website with HubSpot's CMS Hub

You've made a smart and strategic decision to move your website into HubSpot and start measuring activity better. Select up to three CMS onboarding Goals and get your website migration underway.

View Website Projects list.

Discover how easily you can redesign or migrate a website to HubSpot with DropZone Pro Theme, our developer theme for HubSpot CMS.

Pre-Defined Projects to Move You Forward Fast


Select Projects

Begin with Goal #1, which is required setups. Then add up to two more per HubSpot Hub you've subscribed to.


Define Goals

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely (SMART) goals help to prioritize efforts and define deliverables.


Implement Projects

Divide and conquer is usually a great strategy. Work with us to determine what you'll need to do and what we can do for you.


Sales Hub Onboarding

Select from these Sales Goals

Select Goal #1 plus up to two more from the Request Onboarding (OBO) form below.

  1. Setup: Getting Started with Sales Hub (Required)
  2. Goal: Import & Organize Your Data
  3. Goal: Automate Your Sales Process
  4. Goal: Accelerate Your Sales Efforts
  5. Goal: Configure, Price & Quote
  6. Goal: Manage Large Sales Teams
  7. Goal: Report on Your Team's Performance
  8. Goal: Collect Payments in HubSpot

Marketing Hub Onboarding

Select from these Marketing Goals

Select Goal #1 plus up to two more from the Request Onboarding (OBO) form below.

  1. Setup: Marketing Hub General Setup Tasks (Required)
  2. Goal: Capture, Convert & Engage Your Leads
  3. Goal: Generate More Website Traffic
  4. Goal: Increase Conversion Rates
  5. Goal: Measure Traffic and Understand the Results
  6. Goal: Automate & Personalize Your Marketing

Service Hub Onboarding

Select from these Service Goals

Select Goal #1 plus up to two more from the Request Onboarding (OBO) form below.

  1. Setup: Service Hub General Setup Tasks (Required)
  2. Goal: Help Customers Help Themselves
  3. Goal: Measure & Improve Customer Experience
  4. Goal: Set Up Your Help Desk in HubSpot
  5. Goal: Quantify & Visualize Results

CMS Hub Onboarding

Select from these Website Goals

Select Goal #1 plus up to two more from the Request Onboarding (OBO) form below.

  1. Setup: CMS Hub Setup Tasks (Required)
  2. Goal: Build Your Website from Scratch
  3. Goal: Migrate Your Website
  4. Goal: Manage Multiple Brand Domains
  5. Goal: Measure Website Activity
  6. Goal: Establish an Online Presence and Capture Leads

Learn more about migrating or redesigning your website with DropZone Pro Theme.


Begin your onboarding journey.

Book an Onboarding Chat

You may be wondering when to contact HubSpot Support, when to check out the Academy, and when to contact Kayak Marketing.

  1. Contact HubSpot Support for short-term technical questions.
  2. Visit HubSpot's Academy or Knowledge Base for self-paced learning.
  3. Contact Kayak for longer-term strategic, planning, or best practices questions, and to help you make HubSpot work for your business.