Whenever a customer's main contact changes there's a risk of miscommunication, overlooking important information, or having things fall through the cracks. When that happens, you've entered the danger zone.

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Like most website owners, you've probably invested heavily in search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to attract prospects and drive conversions. While SEO remains an important part of any digital marketing strategy, it's important to explore alternative approaches to boost lead generation.

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Your small business's website serves as THE online touchpoint for many prospects. Done right, it can showcase what you do and drive conversions. One aspect that can significantly impact your website's success is user experience. And within user experience, is your site's navigation approach.

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Following Ross Simmonds' lead... Ross is a Canadian marketer and content agency owner who's making a name for himself (and his agency) in Eastern Canada. He freely shares insights and learnings online. Recently, he'd been sharing good/bad AI prompts.

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Understanding our customers has always been important. But how we've come to understand them – via persona identification – has undergone a significant evolution over time. Let’s take a look at that transformation, what it means for you.

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Managing multiple websites and brands efficiently is a challenge for brand managers. The right pro-level theme can greatly simplify the effort. Let's take a look at multi-domain management on HubSpot CMS Hub.

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Understanding how users scan a webpage is crucial for creating engaging and effective sites. Two well-known scanning patterns are the F-pattern and the Z-pattern.

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It's no secret that websites come in many flavours from good, to bad, to frankensite. As a result, we've set out to eliminate the worst and make the first one better. Our aim is to build a more beautiful, productive website for every client, and this is how we're doing it.

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Every member of your team should have an awareness or even command of these techniques. Learn 6 copywriting formulas, complete with outlines, examples, and recommend applications covering both Conversion and Information strategies.

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As a modern marketer, you've likely heard about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). But why is it so important? And why should you, as a marketer (or business person), need to understand it?

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Website migration can be a complex task, especially when it involves moving between different CMS platforms. Careful planning will help avoid or minimize downtime as well as the potential loss of data.

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If you're here, you're likely seeking to understand the relationship between content design, website design, and template design in the context of effective website creation.

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User Experience (UX) is a critical component in website design, directly influencing conversion rates and bounce rates.

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The debate between using no-code editors and custom-designed HTML templates has been around a few years. Both methods have their niches, catering to different audiences with different needs.

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User experience (UX) is a crucial factor to consider when selecting your theme. UX has a direct impact on how visitors interact with your website and can influence important metrics.

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