A series of algorithmic demotions are discussed in the recently released (leaked?) Google docs. Descriptions are limited, but definitely worth a look so we can get some insight into how each impacts your SEO.

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Your small business's website serves as THE online touchpoint for many prospects. Done right, it can showcase what you do and drive conversions. One aspect that can significantly impact your website's success is user experience. And within user experience, is your site's navigation approach.

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Strategic storytelling is a powerful tool for businesses aiming to forge a strong connection with their audience, effectively showcase their solutions, and catalyze business growth.

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Understanding how users scan a webpage is crucial for creating engaging and effective sites. Two well-known scanning patterns are the F-pattern and the Z-pattern.

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Every member of your team should have an awareness or even command of these techniques. Learn 6 copywriting formulas, complete with outlines, examples, and recommend applications covering both Conversion and Information strategies.

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Your website migration is more than just moving content from one platform to another. It's an opportunity to enhance your website's user experience, improve accessibility, and realign your website with your brand's goals.

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If you're here, you're likely seeking to understand the relationship between content design, website design, and template design in the context of effective website creation.

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A well-structured website is more than just a pretty face. It's about creating a user experience (UX) that not only delights visitors but also drives conversions.

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See that rectangle at the top? That’s my original photo. Well, almost. Check out the original, original photo below. The rest is generative fill. The original image was both extended and redrawn using Photoshop (Beta).

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It's not just the website that's getting moved. Your business is being migrated, improved, and optimized...when it's done right. And that's about the best outcome you can achieve from a website migration.

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The introduction of high-performance templates and content modules over the past few years has opened the door to quicker deployment of higher-quality websites.

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When I'm stuck in a content rut, it can be helpful to get an outside perspective. That usually means engaging a copywriter, briefing them, and awaiting their first draft.

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At Kayak, we believe that trust sells. And, that transparency, clarity, and affinity remove barriers to trust. I also believe that keeping it simple, smarty, creates fertile grounds for trust-building.

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You're a business leader who wants to build trust with your customers. But you're not sure whether you should share your prices on your website. You worry that this might scare off customers or give your competitors too much information.

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I'm so happy to share this transcript from an SEMrush webinar on Personas that I was fortunate to present. The host, Tristam Jarman, opened the door and I walked through into a wonderful world of friendly faces and great questions. I hope you enjoy. There's a lot a good intel in here.

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